Wednesday 28 October 2015

The Ministry Of Nigerian Christian Corpers Fellowship (NCCF)


We are the fulfilment of prophecy made by the well-known British missionary to Nigeria, Pa Sydney G. Elton in the 1930s about Nigeria government paying her youth to preach the Gospel in every corner of the country.

The Nigerian government, under the leadership of General Yakubu Gowon in 1973 constituted the National Youth Service Corp, a scheme through which the prophecy was eventually fulfilled.

Since the inception of the scheme, Christian graduates have been fellowshipping together and preaching to their fellow corps members. These they were doing ignorant of the prophecy and today we are now all over the nation, preaching not only to corps members but villagers in villages where Christian corps members may be found.

We are a body of Christian Corps members whose boundary is not defined by denominations or as an affiliate of any denomination but rather encompasses every denomination any Christian member of the NYSC scheme may belong. We do not operate as a church but we believe we are the tool God uses to answer Jesus' prayer "That they all may be one" John 17:21, if only for just one year in the life of every Christian Corps member. NCCF is duly registered in accordance with the Companies and Allied Matters Decree No. 1 of 1990. She is not sponsored by or affiliated to anybody within or outside Nigeria.

There are NCCF secretariats in all the 36 states of the federation, including the FCT. The national secretariat is located in Jos, Plateau State. See more about our zones in each state in nigeria.

Our Fellowship

Nigeria Christian Corpers Fellowship is segmented into the following units: Drama, publicity, organising, choir, evangelism, prayer and bible of study.
The Drama team in a ministration 

Snapshot of One of our Rural Rugged evangelism Outreach

The prayer team in an intercessory session 

To ensure that corps members encounter Jesus Christ and are effectively equipped to preach the gospel and disciple men everywhere in Nigeria.
Courtesy: Pa Sydney G. Elton

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