Tuesday 8 December 2015


Calvary greetings brethren in the Lord, I hope this message meets you well. We kindly want to inform you about the present condition of the NCCF yaba family house and the resultant effort of the incumbent EXCOS. 
You are fully aware of the inflow of corp members recently and how we have been able to see how to get a more conducive abode for the corp members. 
With effect to that we have been able to raise 150,000 naira which is not enough. We want to crave your indulgence with the initial request of the sum of 5000 naira to be paid by you our senior friends so as to aid our present condition of better accommodation pending on the outcome of a lasting solution.
 Our account detail is as follow: ACCOUNT NAME: Nigerian Christian Corper Fellowship, ACCOUNT NUMBER: 4130002236 BANK: sky bank. 
God bless you as you support.  
We also want to use this medium to remind you about G. Uncle Vincent and G. Mama Blessings wedding coming up the 19th of December 2015. God bless us as we plan towards it. 
Thank you

Wednesday 4 November 2015

NCCF Yaba Zone To host Senior friends come 8th Novemebr, 2015

As a Body, all we stand and represent is Rural Rugged Evangelism. We believe in this mission and we are committed to fulfil it as He keeps empowering us.Our vision is to carry out the work of our father in heaven according to the book of Matthew 28:19-20. Jesus said in the book of John 4:34“my food is to do the will of him that sent me and to finish his work”. That is our vision; we are to go in to every interior part of the nation to preach the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ for the sake of heaven.Our aim is to get all ex- NCCF Yaba zone, Lagos Jesus Corpers together in one place where we can share Ideas, opportunities and also join hands to move NCCF Yaba zone, Lagos forward. It is on this note that we invite you for the forth coming senior friends meeting. Date: 8th November, 2015 Time: 2:00pm Venue: NCCF Yaba zone situated at No. 6 Onafowokan street, beside Skye bank, Morroco unction, Shomolu, Lagos. Please come with an open mind and ideas to move this amiable organisation forward. May the Lord continue to richly bless and reward you. Amen. For enquiries please call; 08057846801 - G.uncle Collins (Event cordinator) or 08093259873 - Papa Seyi (Current Cordinator, NCCF Yaba zone, Lagos)

Wednesday 28 October 2015

Life In NYSC (More Info)

1. Prepare Your Mind:
First and foremost, you need to prepare your mind that you are leaving home for a regimented life in the camp. Life in the camp is deliberately made stressful so as to prepare you for any challenge that may confront you outside the camp.
You will not find it too comfortable, It’s a camp and not your Father’s house! Just be ready for anything.
2. Itemize All Your Needs Using A Scale Of Preference (very important ones first):
1. Very Important Ones
a. Statement of Result
b. School ID Card
c. Passport photographs (30 copies, Surplus is better than inadequacy)
d. Call-Up Letter (DO NOT laminate it please)
e. A Clear Bag file (To house the above items)
NB: Get 10 photocopies each of items A,B, and D above. The copies may be surplus.
2. Important Ones (For your Convenience)
a. Stapler, pin and office gum (will save you the stress of ‘borrow-me’)
b. Two or three white T-shirts and shorts (You will be given two sets but you may not like the quality)
c. Two or three pairs of socks and a white rubber tennis shoes (for rainy days)
d. Bathroom slippers and Dettol
f. Two plastic buckets (You can buy it in the camp but it will be more expensive) and a permanent marker
g. Sponge and its case, bath-soap and detergent
h. Bedsheet, towel and wrapper and two pairs of casual wear
i. Mosquito Net (not compulsory)
j. Handkerchiefs (very important especially for those that sweat)
k. Waist bag (very very important for housing your phones, ID Cards, Handkerchief, biros, etc)
l. Novels
m. Small-sized Torchlight/Rechargeable lamp (small one please)
n. Your ATM card(s)
o. Cooler cup and spoon
p. Phone and charger
q. Beverages
r. Ladies could add any other few conveniences. I believe you understand me
s. Money! Money! Money! Hold good cash please depending on how you spend
3. Go Early:
Please, no matter how close the camp might be to your street, enable to go early. If you are posted to a far state, go the day before the camp opens. They will allow you in. Going late will make you go through registration stress. Be warned!
4. Screening:
The screening starts at the gate, where your loads are open and thoroughly search. They don’t want you to bring in prohibited items like iron, knives, bombs, etc.
5. Registration:
The first registration will certainly be for hostel/bedspace, where you;ll be given tags to identify with. Then the paper registrations proper follows. try as much as possible to make everything available. Look out for information pasted on walls. Follow instructions strictly.
6. Your Kits:
During the registration, you will get all your kits (shirts, shorts and shoes). Use the marker to write your Code Number (CN) on them ‘sharp-sharp” You will also be given a tag that will show your CN. That will be your ID Card temporarily. You take it everywhere in camp. You will be given a meal ticket. Misplace it and forget about NYSC food.
7. Duration:
You will be in the camp for 20 full days. The 21st day is the day you will be leaving the camp.
8. No Room For Casual Wears:
Immediately you have your kits, only your T-shirt and shorts with the tennis shoe are allowed on you. No room for casual wears. Parade/marching training starts immediately. The soldiers will not give you breathing space at all. You will have the first one that same Day One. Watch Out! people could be fainting on the Parade Ground. You won’t faint, calm down… So eat well. It’s the stress that causes their fainting.
9. Morning Regimented Programme:
A small trumpet wakes you at 4am. Everybody gathers at the Parade Ground (PG) at 4:30am. You have your praise, worship and prayer the Christian and Muslim ways. After the morning admonitions, by 7am, breakfast follows! After eating, you will be called out again for the series of programmes lined up for you. Then you have your lunch. Rest a little and you are out again for evening parade. Then later your dinner. This will repeat itself everyday perhaps except on Sunday.
10. Hate The Food And Feed Yourselves At Your Costs:
You may not like the food. You can always go to the Mammy Market (MM) i.e the Camp Market to fill your ‘tank’ with delicacies at your cost.
11. Stealing:
Stealing is prevalently prevailing at the Camp. This is ‘legalised’. They can steal anything. Be wise.
12. Soldiers:
Please i beckon on you all to respect and obey them. although they are not permitted to beat you, however, they can punish you. No walking, its all jogging when they call you. Don’t prostrate or kneel down greeting a soldier. Do it the soldier way. They could be friendly anyway.
13. Allawe:
Your first allowance (#19, 800) will be given to you in the camp, and it will be in cash. All other ones will be through the bank. You will also get Bicycle Allowance.
14. Photography:
Photographers are going to be everywhere ready to snap you, please be prudent in spending.
15. By Now Your Done With Camp And Going To Your Place Of Primary Assignment:
You will be posted from the camp to where you will work. The place you work in is called your Place of Primary Assignment (PPA). Hear this: most Corps members, I mean about 90% of the Corpers will be posted to schools (especially primary and secondary schools). Only VERY FEW will be posted to the universities, polytechnics and Colleges. Please! Don’t lobby for your posting. Don’t pay anybody for assistance. Pray rather than pay. Gone are the days when Corps Members are posted to Banks and Co. Receive the shocking or expected postings as you receive your letters with joy. It’s a clarion call to service; that’s what dey call it.
16. Transportation Out Of Camp:
When you get your Posting Letter, the first place to go to is your PPA. If you are identified with the Fellowship in camp, you may first report at the temporary lodge they will provide. Then you could report at your PPA later same day or the following day. Please, when you leave the camp, home- sweet-home will be on your mind, having been used up in the camp. But please, don’t go home straight. Please! Very few of your employers (i.e. PPAs) will send down vehicles to convey you from the camp to their workplaces. Private and some Govt higher education institutions do. The Fellowship too make arrangement for you at your cost. Commercial transporters will likely be
available at the gate too. Be wise.
17. Accommodation At PPA:
You don’t know anybody in Benue or Kogi! Where will you sleep on the first day? The Fellowship may give you a temporary accommodation pending the time you will have to get yours. You could be lucky if your employer gives you a room. Many of them don’t give Corpers accommodation anyway. So be prepared to rent one at your cost. Your first ‘allowee’ which you received in the camp is already going down!
18. Clearance:
This is why you don’t have to go home straight. Your registration (clearance) at the NYSC Office in the Local Govt you will be posted to is important. Failure to complete it before going home is the beginning of your problem. He may begin to have problems with his subsequent monthly allowances. Do all registrations first. Then you can take permission to go home.  Long process! You will know why it’s so. Well, I hope these few tips will go a long way to help you.
In order to ensure a seamless registration process, printing of call-up letters and so on, prospective corps members are urged to visit these NYSC sites below:
Best of lucks!!!

55 Things Nysc Members Should Not Leave Home Without!

The next batch due for the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) will soon be off. What and what should you take to Camp? Do you really need most of the things you've packed into your big leather box already? Here's a checklist of what we think an 'Otondoh' like you is like to need...

Camp Items

1 Documents and Photocopies
2 Call-up letter
3 Statement of Result/transcript
4 First degree certificates
5 School ID card
6 Passport photographs
You won't be allowed into camp premises without any of them. Go there with about 10 passports & 5 document photocopies each


7 Toothbrush & Toothpaste
8 Bath soap & Sponge
9 Detergent & Bar Soap
10 Toilet Paper
11 Towel


12 Sanitary Pads & Tampons
13 Shower Caps
14 Bleach
15 Disinfectants
16 Buckets & Bailer
17 Body Cream & Lotion

Its ok to buy buckets and non-essentials at the camp.

Clothing Items

18 White T-shirts
19 White Shorts
20 Whites tennis shoes
21 White socks
22 Underwear
23 Bed sheets
24 Perfumes/ body spray
25 Rubber slippers/flip flops
26 Combs and hair needs
27 Makeup & accessories

* You will be provided with 2 pairs of white T-shirts and shorts in camp but you can take up to 2 pairs along.
* Colored panties will be too conspicuous under the white tops and bottoms.
* You can take a 2 - 3 sets of casual wears/mufti for Sunday and camp fire night.
* 1 pair of shoe and socks is okay. It is good to have a white rubber shoe that is easy to clean (sold at camp also)

Other Recommended Items

28 Torch lights
29 Mosquito nets/mosquito repellant
30 Food flasks, cups, drinking flasks & cutlery
31 Cloth hangers
32 Wrist watch
33 Padlocks and keys
34 Waist pouch
35 Handkerchiefs/face towels/Kleenex
36 Pegs/clips

37 Get a cheap watch. Every one uses a waist purse. Its your camp bestie. Most of these items can be easily bought in the camp so don't worry. If you cant get them before travelling.

Optional First Aid Items

38 Methylated spirits/ rubbing alcohol
39 Band aids/plasters
40 Robb
41 Bandages
42 Cotton wool
43 Anti-purging pills (flagyl, tetracycline etc.)
44 Anti-malaria pills
45 Inhaler (for those who are asthmatic)

These aren't necessary except you have something to treat or known allergies


46 Camera & batteries
47 Writing pads and stationary
48 Novels/Books
49 Pillow
50 Games
51 Mp3/ iPod
52 Eye pads for sleeping & ear plugs
53 Surge protectors / extensions
54 Glue sticks & stapler

If you have an internet-enabled camera phone, do take it along. Camp life can be very boring without one. You will like to take pictures and share with your friends. You only need to be very vigilant and protective of your things. If you feel you need a bulletproof vest or helmet, please carry it. You know what we mean, don't you?

* Never, ever, ever run out of it. Bring as much as you can afford.
* Mirrors and forks are known to be contraband items in camp
* Prices of items apart from fast consumer goods (Credit, Gala, Indomie etc) are usually higher than those outside so it is advisable you buy the things you can before going into camp.


Ajuwaiah praise the lord!

NYSC Camp Requirements : Things You Must Take Along To NYSC Orientation Camp

NYSC Camp Requirements : Things You Must Take Along To NYSC Orientation Camp”, you should have an idea of what I intend to write about. If you have been thinking this article would be about things you need for personal use and survival at the NYSC orientation camp, then you are incorrect. If that’s what you want to read about, I will surely drop an article on that soon but to start with let me write about this. I used the word “MUST” because they are required at NYSC Orientation Camp.

NYSC Camp Registration Requirements:

These are the requirements for registration at NYSC Camp, you need to take care of this first before you start thinking of what to eat, what to wear, etc. Make sure you have them before you embark on your journey. You can still get food and cloth over there but not your certificates.

Official NYSC Camp Requirements :

NYSC Mobilization Time Table For 2014 Batch B, NYSC Batch B 2014, NYSC Redeployment, NYSC Call-up Letters Batch B 2014, NYSC Redeployment, NYSC camp requirements
1. Your final year Student ID Card
2. Notification of Result from your School (Original and Photocopies)
3. Passport Photograph (Take as many copy as you can but you will only need a few)
4. Your original call-up letter (This will be taken and not returned to you, take photocopies along too). Article from www.ngscholars.com
The forms that will be handed to you and attach your passport are very easy to fill. Fill them correctly. After your registration, you will be issued with your State Code Number. This will be like your PIN throughout your Service Year.

Welcome To NCCF Yaba, Lagos

You might need somewhere to stay after camp. Our hands are wide open to receive you. Do not hesitate to contact us

The Ministry Of Nigerian Christian Corpers Fellowship (NCCF)


We are the fulfilment of prophecy made by the well-known British missionary to Nigeria, Pa Sydney G. Elton in the 1930s about Nigeria government paying her youth to preach the Gospel in every corner of the country.

The Nigerian government, under the leadership of General Yakubu Gowon in 1973 constituted the National Youth Service Corp, a scheme through which the prophecy was eventually fulfilled.

Since the inception of the scheme, Christian graduates have been fellowshipping together and preaching to their fellow corps members. These they were doing ignorant of the prophecy and today we are now all over the nation, preaching not only to corps members but villagers in villages where Christian corps members may be found.

We are a body of Christian Corps members whose boundary is not defined by denominations or as an affiliate of any denomination but rather encompasses every denomination any Christian member of the NYSC scheme may belong. We do not operate as a church but we believe we are the tool God uses to answer Jesus' prayer "That they all may be one" John 17:21, if only for just one year in the life of every Christian Corps member. NCCF is duly registered in accordance with the Companies and Allied Matters Decree No. 1 of 1990. She is not sponsored by or affiliated to anybody within or outside Nigeria.

There are NCCF secretariats in all the 36 states of the federation, including the FCT. The national secretariat is located in Jos, Plateau State. See more about our zones in each state in nigeria.

Our Fellowship

Nigeria Christian Corpers Fellowship is segmented into the following units: Drama, publicity, organising, choir, evangelism, prayer and bible of study.
The Drama team in a ministration 

Snapshot of One of our Rural Rugged evangelism Outreach

The prayer team in an intercessory session 

To ensure that corps members encounter Jesus Christ and are effectively equipped to preach the gospel and disciple men everywhere in Nigeria.
Courtesy: Pa Sydney G. Elton

About Us (Nigerian Christian Corpers Fellowship) - NCCF

Our History

The Nigeria Christian Corpers Fellowship (NCCF) came into existence in fulfillment of a prophecy of a prophecy given some years ago by Pa S.C. Elton, a notable British Missionary. The prophecy sounded like this "A time will come when the Nigeria Government would be paying the Nigeria Youth to preach the Gospel in all works and crannies of the country." Sounds far-fetched? Well, this page you are reading proves that the prophecy is already being fulfilled. The prophecy has been fulfilled since 1973.


  • To sustain salvation experience with eternity in view
  • To bring all jesus corpers into a functional unit for fellowship
  • To propagate and protect the gospel of jesus christ
  • TO encourage members who want to serve the lord jesus
  • To provide essential service where necessary to promote the rural life of nigerians at the hinta- land
  • To provide logistics/accomodation for interested corps members
  • To give moral,spiritual and social support to the less previleged;orphans,physically challenged, the sick, etc